We primarily provide three treatments for kidney stones:
ESWL is an outpatient procedure that is completely non-invasive. It utilizes precisely placed shock-waves in order to break up kidney stones while the patient is fast asleep. Afterward, patients can go home.
Endourology uses a scope and a laser to break up kidney stones directly. The procedure involves passing a scope through the bladder into the kidney (cystoscopy), or through the ureter (ureteroscopy). Like with ESWL, patients are normally asleep for the procedure and discharged the same day.
Our latest treatment, Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate, uses lasers to treat the non-cancerous growth of the prostate (also known as benign prostate hypertrophy).
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Please click here for the Preadmission Health History form in Spanish
For more information on Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center's Kidney & Urological Services, please call 909.865.9858.