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Birth Certificates

Birth Certificate Services

A birth clerk will visit you before you go home. Please have your baby’s name selected prior to completing a social security registration form and birth certificate form.

IF YOU ARE NOT A LEGALLY MARRIED COUPLE, the paternity law will be explained. If the father's name is to be added to the birth certificate, then he must try to make arrangements to be present at some point during your hospital stay. Both parents must sign a declaration of paternity in front of their nurse or the birth clerk, serving as a witness.

The birth certificate is a very important part of your babies life. You will be given the chance to review the birth certificate before it is mailed to the state. Please review it carefully and make any changes at that time.

Birth Certificate Work Sheet

Please complete the birth certificate worksheet and bring with you to the hospital. After your delivery, you will give the worksheet to the Birth Certificate Clerk that will visit your hospital room. Birth certificates are legal documents issued by the state. Download the Birth Certificate Work Sheet by clicking on the PDF below.

Birth Certificate Work Sheet

Hoja de trabajo de certificado de nacimiento

出生证明工作表 - Chūshēng zhèngmíng gōngzuò biǎo

If you have paternity questions, call the Birth Clerks at 909.865.9865.