For more information on the most popular Planned Gifts and Current Gift Options, including Gifts of Stock, Qualified Charitable Distribution or QCD (Charitable IRA Rollover) and Donor Advised Funds please click here!
Asistir a esta clase educativa gratuita lo ayudara a comprender mejor como vivir bien con diabetes. Esta clase es para personas con diabetes tipo 1 y diabetes tipo 2, y está organizada por especialistas clínicos en diabetes del equipo de diabetes del ...
Attending this free educational class will help you gain a better understanding of living well with diabetes. This class is for those with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and is hosted by a clinical diabetes specialist from Pomona Valley Hospital ...
Learn how to save a life by recognizing and controlling life-threatening bleeding. The number one cause of preventable death after an injury is bleeding. A person can bleed to death in minutes. This free one-hour course, hosted by Pomona Valley ...
Do you have joint pain? Are you considering joint replacement surgery? We invite you to learn about treatments for knee, shoulder and hip pain, modern advances in joint replacement surgery and what to expect on the day of your procedure. With the ...
Venga y aprenda sobre: Alimentos básicos y alimentación saludable: Que son calorías, nutrientes esenciales, grupos de comida, como leer etiquetas de alimentos, y mucho más. Personas con prediabetes Personas con diabetes Cada Tercer martes del mes ...
Come and learn about: Healthy eating: what are calories, essential nutrients, food groups, reading labels, and more Healthy eating with prediabetes Healthy eating with diabetes Every 3rd Tuesday of the month 6:30pm - 7:30pm Space is limited, please ...