Cases of COVID-19 and hospitalizations are rising rapidly in our region. We continue to urge you and your family members to immediately come to Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center’s Emergency Department for the following severe symptoms of COVID-19:
You and your family members should seek urgent evaluation at Pomona Valley Hospital Medical Center’s Emergency Department for possible new outpatient COVID-19 treatment if you have the above symptoms of mild to moderate COVID-19 and any of the following high-risk conditions:
In addition to caring for severe symptoms, new treatment options are now available for early outpatient treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in people at high risk for severe disease.
Symptoms of mild to moderate COVID-19 include:
If you or a family member have symptoms of mild to moderate COVID-19 without high-risk conditions, we urge you and any other exposed or symptomatic contacts to schedule an appointment at a testing site near you and isolate at home for at least 10 days from the onset of symptoms.
Our Emergency Department and hospital are safe. We are taking extra steps to ensure your safety including following all guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Our highly-trained Associates and Physicians are using appropriate personal protective equipment and we have enhanced our disinfection processes.
Don’t delay the care you need.